When the parents send to their children stops after the programs of the school they take, it
for since the boy is safe. But from the number of children
participating in these activities has increased, he is necessary to watch
in security editions.
The children are vulnerable when they are outside the classes. Whereas he goes or
return, must know how the route safest to take. Many cabritos hang towards outside
with its friendly immediately after these classes. To discover the “danger areas” of
their neighbors and do to children aware these.
The boy must know how to handle emergencias. He is better to discuss
several panoramas with its boy. To say to him what she must do in case
the class is cancelled suddenly. To demonstrate kit to him of first aid in the country and to do it
she knows sure who to call in a emergencia. To determine any contact important
information in a place that is easily accessible to the boy. If
the boy will be only in the country, discusses some unexpected things with her.
To say to him to always use the security chain.
Relays in its neighbors and friendly when it is needed. To let to its boy know who
it can be made contact with enemy with in the days of emergencia. To ask that his boy arrives close
telephone. Coverall, to always say to boy to be in a group. Dressing tables that visit
everything or going to house via the isolate streets only must be avoided.
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